Privatefx pamm investment results


Simply like to post some interesting result for my readers. Below you can see my profit which I’ve got from using the free bonus of PrivateFX broker.

New FXOptimax free forex bonus


I’d like to inform you that today I’ve updated my big nondeposit forex bonuses list at this page. New forex broker in this list is FXOptimax.

Earning on file hostings in 2022


Earning on file hostings. Quick manual for beginners in moneymakingI guess that every Internet user has ever downloaded files from file hostings such as

100 euros no deposit bonus from GKFX and Tradimo


Hi, people!
As you know I’ve picked up at one post on my blog all actual forex bonuses which you may get without any deposit of your own money. Today I updated this list

How to get 100 euros forex bonus from Sensus and Tradimo


If you checked my list of actual nondeposit forex bonuses, then you knew about new 100 euros welcome bonus promo from Sensus Capital Markets and forex studying site Tradimo.

Ryushare Owners under arrest!


There are many hundreds, probably thousands, of file-hosting sites online, each serving their own area of the market. One only has to watch a discussion on so-called warez forums to discover which ones are popular with pirates. Ryushare was one such site.

Middle age filehosts (5-10 months)


Today I’d like to post a small review of sharing services that were created in the first half of 2020. During these times they had some overcoming difficulties, but they still pay regularly.
1. Filemates – filehost from Greece. Despite all the difficulties (fight with adultking) it continues to work steadily, has a wide set of payment providers.

Asfile invites


Well, as you know, for registration and earning on Asfile you need an invite from the approved partner of this hosting. So, I have four such invites.

Files hosts review: Old School, january 2021


In January, at one of the big affiliate forums I’ve found an interesting review of working files hosts: old school (1-year-old and older), newcomers (age – 2-4 months), middle-comers (5-10 months) and scam services (or similar). So, I’ve thought, that it could be interesting for my blog visitors.

Shareflare – new project from Letitbit


Today I continue my filehost reviews. And now, here’s Shareflare review. First of all, I should mention that it’s project from letitbit owners.

LumFile – second files host from Vietnam


Today I continue my files hosts small reviews. Our today hero is LumFile, a very young service from Vietnam. As we see, vietnamians use the current situation and take their market share. Yesterday, I’ve made review of Ryushare, another fileshost from this small Asian country. And, now Lumfile. First of all, I recommend you to register at this file host. Even, if you’re not going to work with them now, you should register your account there. Why? They announced that affiliate registration will be closed from the 1st of November. So, you’ll have to register lumfile account for potential future earning.

lumfile registration link

Ryushare – filehost from Vietnam


Hi, my dear readers. Sorry for such a long absence. Last my post was dedicated to paying filehosts in September. But in such a review, I can only give 2-3 sentences about each service. From today I’m going to write and post small reviews in separate posts for each service.

Filehost September quick review


I’ve got September short review of paying filehosts. I hope, that it would interesting and helpful for your work.


registration at

Pays 45% (sales) + 25% (rebills). PPD rates up to 30 euros per 1000 unique downloads. You should wait from 15 to 30 days for payout via payza or Webmoney. This filehost can be used as an additional mirror, because of the 180 days storage time limit. is quite a big company. They have enough powerful servers to handle the big load, but its rate is too low (for rebills).

List of forums for posting


May be some of you, who are working with Content-Cooperation, don’t know where to post. Content-Cooperation prepared list of forums which allow posting of links from this file hosting. So, here is this list:
list of forums for posting download links
For this forums some free download conditions were simplified:
– all files over 100 Mb are splitted for to 2 parts (regardless of size);
– files less then 100 Mb are not splitted;
– download speed is unlimited;
– waiting time between downloading of each archive part is 45 min;
– waiting time between downloading of files is progressive, from 45 up to 180 min (45 min, 60 min, 90 min, …, 180 min).

Good luck in posting!

PPD reactivation at


Filehost Uploaded or has reactivated their PPD programm for affiliates. Now, they offer quite interesting download rates up to 30 euros. Below they are all: