Good news from Sharingmatrix(Filesonic)!


File hosting Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) from month to month more and more improves the conditions of their affiliate program for webmasters and posters. At the end of April 2010 Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) announced the new action with a 50% additional bonus to your earnings in May. Besides this, Sharing matrix minimal payout was reduced to $15. And they made changes in their payment schedule.

Good news from Sharingmatrix(Filesonic)! Earn on file hosting

Remember, that prior to May 1, 2010 the minimum payout from Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) was 30 dollars and it was a quite big sum for beginners on file hosting. Although poster with good experience and quality base of sites for posting was not difficult to earn $30. But now file hosting Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) reduced the minimum payout limit to $15 and it is welcome! Hip-hip, urrra!
Also Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) made changes in their schedule of payments. Let me remember to you that earlier payouts to purses in Paypal and Webmoney were made by Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) automatically 1 and 16 of each month, if you had on your account balance more than $30. Since May 2010, the file host will start making payouts every Friday. So, now, you can get payouts from Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) every Friday, you should earn only $15 in a week.
So, I hope that you agree with me that the working conditions of the Sharing matrix(Filesonic) significantly improved. New owners of Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) actively started to develop their file sharing service.
By the way, according to available information, hosting Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) again became one of the major paying file hostings on large forums. It seems, that managers of Matrix contacted with the administration of large forums. I believe, that such actions of hosting management make Sharingmatrix even more popular in the Internet.
So, if you are still not earning on Sharingmatrix(Filesonic), it’s the time to register on file hosting. For register on Sharingmatrix(Filesonic) you should click on the link on the right of this page.

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